Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I love to eat, and I really, really love to eat Thanksgiving food. My dad is an absolutely incredible cook, so the massive feast he prepares for today is simply outstanding. Last year my stepmom and I participated in a Turkey Trot 5k road race, but today we're making up our own tradition. Instead of joining the masses and running in a race, we're heading to the trails behind the house, with the dogs, for our own leisurely run. I absolutely love running with my stepmom and the dogs (or the "racing team," as we've dubbed our group). There's no music, or roads, or crowds. It's just us and our four-footed friends, running through beautiful woods, and talking. It's the only time where it's just the two of us, and through running together, we've formed a bond that's unlike any other we've had previously. We've become the other's confidant, therapist, comedian, and friend. Today, I give thanks for my stepmom, Michelle. She gave me the confidence to run, the desire to keep going, and the companionship on the trails. She's entirely changed my life for the better, and I couldn't be luckier than to have her in my life.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember to give thanks to those special people in your life.