So this is it...in 4 days I will be on the starting line (and hopefully eventually on the finish line). My friend / training partner, Cat, and I are going on our last long run together before the race. Well, 6-7 miles. We don't want to overdo it, but we also don't want to feel too weak come race day. Cat and I have learned an amazing running lesson: The best thing about running is the reward you give yourself when you finish. So, after every long run we do, we go get ourselves a reward. Our reward is always ice cream, simply because there's nothing better after a long run in the summertime. Being able to sit on the hood of a car or a park bench or a beach and truly enjoy a cold, sweet, delicious ice cream is the greatest experience.
I cannot wait for our run tonight! I know we'll power through it and I know we'll feel even more prepared and excited for race day, and I know we'll be thinking about that scrumptious reward the entire run. Or, at least I will. I have no problem admitting that these days I run to eat ice cream. Hey, at least I'm running :)
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